CRediT where credit is due


januari 25, 2024

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CRediT where credit is due……

In December last year, the partners kicked off the 8th pilot in the program. This pilot is all about assessing how author contributor data might help various institutional and departmental use cases around Team Science. Contributor data is data that captures the specific roles the authors of publications have had (according to a standard NISO classification (CRediT)). Acknowledging the specific contributions of authors is critical in fair Reward & Recognition of academics.

Elsevier’s Data scientists and Analysts took a large dataset from articles on ScienceDirect containing CRediT statements and created a report showing insights at various aggregation levels. The participating institutions were provided with their own specific institutional data (to be used for further institutional analyses). The analyst’s report is available hier.

It is promising to see that since 2020, there is a rapid increase in publications that contain contributor data. Elsevier is committed to capturing CRediT data to all its journals, and many other Scholarly Publishers are doing the same. The partners hope that capturing and sharing contributor data will become mainstream soon, so that this data can be used with confidence in the various use cases for Team science and Reward & Recognition: credit where credit is due.

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